Download and play Piano easy songs to play!
Welcome and congratulation for starting your piano journey.
Here you will find all ressources to start your practice the easiest way. Piano easy songs to play, scales, chords, charts, music sheets… All you need is to download the ebook, print and start playing.
Our ressources are specifically designed for beginners, even if you never touched a keyboard before!
Don’t worry we got you! And you got this!
Making piano accessible to everyone !

Find piano easy songs to play and all beginners piano essentials

Print it right the way

And start playing now!
Download our ebooks and start playing

Printable piano nursery songs easy for beginners PDF
The easiest method to play your first nursery song on the piano with the color-codes notes and keys and fingering.

Printable Piano keys and names PDF to cut out with color code
Download your sheets, cut out and put them on your keyboard to start playing your favorite songs

Printable Theory of piano music PDF with beautiful charts
Decoding music sheets and learning music theory made easy with our beautiful charts.
You got everything your need to start playing your favorite songs

How to play a piano chords ? What is a chord anyway ? Don’t worrry, we have designed a beginners friendly guide to help you learn the basic piano scales and elevate your piano learning.

Piano scales are so basic and important in the piano learning journey. Our piano beginner scales PDF will help you practice and learn the basics scales.

« I’d like you to try playing the piano and says “Ah, that it is not so impossible, after all!”.
A little motivation and some easy and friendly tools, and that’s it!
What happens next will depend on you.
With love »
Stéphanie BO – KeysKool creator
Congratulation for starting your piano journey
Find all ressources to start your practice the easiest way and find piano easy songs to play